
  • Stefani Talia S UNPAB
  • Riska Yolanda UNPAB
  • Saskia Nabila S UNPAB
  • Calvin H Saragih UNPAB
  • Indra Utama Tanjung UNPAB


Sexual Violence, Law on Perpetrators, Legal Protection


For some time, sexual violence has been a subject of discussion in Indonesian society. Because cases of sexual harassment occur almost every year in Indonesia, the term sexual harassment is no longer foreign. Sexual violence has become a problem that is often discussed by Indonesian society.

However, Indonesian law does not fully provide strict legal consequences for perpetrators and protection for victims. Consequently, the aim of this research is to find out how legal protection for victims can be provided. In this research, normative legal research methods are used, which are part of the doctrinal research typology. This research was conducted using a statutory and conceptual approach. This research shows that, considering the large number of cases of sexual violence in Indonesia, the design of criminal law for cases of sexual violence is very important. Developing laws that protect victims of sexual violence, resolving cases of sexual violence, and protecting victims of sexual violence can be implemented effectively.

This research aims to create media that helps children and women reduce violence against children and women. Child protection requires attention from all parties and guidance tools that can be used by parents and educators. Acts of intimate violence felt by women who are victims of close atrocities that are not accountable to the authorities or government groups such as the National Commission on Violence Against Women. This research uses exploratory methods, and the techniques used are abstract. The results show that a male culture centered on male superiority and mercy is a key component in managing individual crimes against women. This powerless view of sex offenders is the main reason why female victims of sexual crimes do not report. Women and victims of sexual violence can benefit from a welcoming environment.

Due to the large number of acts of sexual harassment committed by men against women, women do not have the opportunity to take responsibility as victims in criminal law. As a result, women who are victims of sexual harassment feel humiliated, lack self-confidence, trauma and fear. As a result, women who are victims of sexual harassment may have difficulty carrying out their work, experience mental illness, or experience mental disorders. This service aims to increase knowledge about legal regulations that provide protection to women as a result of sexual harassment perpetrated by men today, as well as legal remedies taken by victims of sexual harassment against women.



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How to Cite

Stefani Talia S, Riska Yolanda, Saskia Nabila S, Calvin H Saragih, & Indra Utama Tanjung. (2024). LEGAL PROTECTION AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST VICTIMS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1), 16–26. Retrieved from